I finished reading "My Antonia" and really liked it. I loved Cather's writing style and the way that it was set in Nebraska and not in an upper-class drawing room. Which is probably why I haven't read any of Jane Austen's novels yet. I read some of Edith Wharton's work, but it's the same upper-class-drawing-room stuff of the time. I went to Border's to see if they were hiring and ended up buying "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. It's going to be a great feat to tackle that one, but I hear it's one that I cannot pass up. Right now I'm reading "The Book of Ruth", and although it's interesting, it's been slow-going. I can't seem to get into it, even though it takes place on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois. Maybe it's the language or writing style, but I'm hoping I get into it so I can finish it soon.
I already mentioned the crazy weather, and it is monsoon season, but it's been crazy! While family was here we went out to dinner to eat mexican at On the Border and saw the storm coming, and as we sat down and ordered, we looked out the window and saw the dust just spinning out in the air-- you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you! By the time we finished, it died down a little bit, and mom turned on the pool pump right away so we went for a night swim as soon as little Addy was asleep.
The first picture is my favorite of Addy swimming by herself with those arm floatie things! And then the picture I got of the dust storm as we were driving out of the parking lot from the restaurant.
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