Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kasey vs. Running In the Heat

I've never really been a warm/hot weather person. Except, of course, floating the river on a 100+ degree day. Other than that, I'd much rather be cold than hot. I started running at night in August while living in Arizona. It was still close to 90 degrees outside, but I was so out of shape that the heat didn't matter. As the weather got cooler, I got better at running. In fact, I LOVE when it's cold outside. I think it makes me run faster. My perfect running temperature is 45-50 degrees: I can wear my light gray sweater and unzip as needed and still feel warm but not overheated or cold.

I don't know what to do with all this sunshine and heat. I bought new clothes, and I love all the tops I bought. I bought bright colors so I can be seen at sunset and possibly complete darkness. I know that later in the summer I will not be running when the sun is out. HELL NO. The shorts I bought on sale are really great and comfortable to run in. Those were a good choice. I also bought a running skirt because I think they are cute. I tested it out today and it was an epic fail. The little shorts under the skirt wouldn't stay put. I'm just not a running skirt kind of girl. So, with the right combination of clothes I think I can beat this heat. Now to find the right time of day...

I've been running in the early afternoon lately due to working evenings and things happening in the evenings. The afternoon is all I have. So for now, I struggle to complete a good run in the heat. I know when summer comes, I will have to muster up the energy to run after a 7 or 8 hour shift on my feet work (that is, when I get home around 7 or 8 at night. I will not be running after I close at night). I'm hoping the new Runner's World magazine will have some summer running tips.

My new shoes are great! I just wish I could give them a good run instead of walking so much.

I'll be doing the Muddy Trails 10k in The Woodlands this weekend. I think the last time I ran 6 miles was the Rodeo Run 10k. We'll see how it goes.

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