Friday, December 28, 2018

Emotional Stages of an Injured Runner

Slowing down is difficult for many of us runners.  Even when our body is telling us, "Hey!  Take it easy!" we don't want to believe it.  It happened to me a week and a half ago.

I had a GREAT first week of half marathon training.  My long run felt great, I was sprinting faster than usual at Camp Gladiator.  Then I went on a short, easy run around the block and felt a sharp pain in my right shin.  I cut the run short and headed for home, hoping that it was nothing.  But, it was sore for a few days after that.  I thought it could be shin splints, so I taped it up.  Usually that feels better but it made my calf muscles tight and the dull ache was still there.  I foam rolled.  I soaked in epsom salt.  I even AVOIDED running for several days!  Then I went for a test run.  Two miles on our usual route, and still felt a dull ache.  

I made a doctor's appointment.  It's this afternoon.  I know I won't get an immediate answer today because x-rays don't typically show stress fractures so an MRI will need to be scheduled so who knows when that will be.  If I do need an MRI according to this doctor, I will have to defer my entry to the Missions Half Marathon in February.  I'm super bummed because I was in awesome shape when this happened and I was really looking forward to tough workouts and another PR.

My friends try to console me by telling me there are other ways to exercise but I look at them like they are crazy.  (There's nothing else besides running!!)

10 Stages of a (hopefully not) Injured Runner

1. Feel a (slight) pain and pretend it was nothing.  We do have a high tolerance for pain, anyway.
2. Go for another run the next day, feel the pain again, and it's worse, but maybe not?  Maybe I'm just making this up in my head.
3. Ice it anyway.  It will go away tomorrow.
4. Apply KT tape and ice it the next day.  It can't be that bad.  Go for a run.
5. Foam roll with KT tape, then ice it.  It's really not that bad!  Go for a run.
6. Soak in epsom salt, foam roll with KT tape, then ice it.  It's going away! (hopefully)  Go for a run.
7. Take ibuprofen, tell yourself it's better.  It HAS to be with the epsom salts, KT tape, ice, and foam rolling!  I even took a few days off!  Go for a run.
8. Give in and make a doctor's appointment.  Stop running.  Cry myself to sleep.
9. Go to doctor's appointment, play it off like it really doesn't hurt that bad.  Wait impatiently for results.
10.  If results are negative, lace up IMMEDIATELY!  Don't forget the ice later.  If results are positive for an injury, wallow in sorrow, scroll Instagram and feel extreme jealousy that others can run right now.  It's going to be a long recovery!

I'm praying I can lace up again soon!  Until then, take care of yourselves!  Listen to your body and eat your goddamn vegetables.


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